At Velocitek, we are committed to sustainability at every stage of our products' life cycles. From design to disposal, we take responsibility for minimizing our environmental impact. As part of this commitment, we manufacture our products in-house in San Mateo, California, ensuring that they are built to last and fully repairable. Additionally, we are proud to introduce our new Return for Reclamation process. Through this initiative, customers can return our products to us for proper disposal or recycling, ensuring that materials are reclaimed and reused wherever possible. By embracing the full product life cycle and promoting repairability, we strive to reduce waste and promote a more sustainable future for generations to come.

We will pay to ship your old product to us and will re-use every component possible. We will properly recycle any parts or pieces we cannot re-use.



Note: Initially, this program will be available exclusively for customers within the United States. However, we are actively working on plans to expand the program globally in the near future. By starting with US orders, we can effectively pilot and refine our processes to ensure maximum effectiveness and sustainability. Stay tuned as we work towards making our sustainability initiatives accessible to customers worldwide.

If you are an international customer, do not be discouraged. Please complete the form so we can judge interest and inform our decision on where to focus this program next.


The Velocitek Team